Make no bones about it, fear is the stealer of dreams and will absolutely ace your future unless you get a firm hold of that puppy’s tail and get it under control right now.
I know you resonate with this right? We can all recall times during our lives when we have succumbed to our fears about a certain set of circumstances or situations and failed to confront the challenges that faced us.
Make no mistake, fear is useful and very necessary to keep us safe in some situations, but for the most part, our fears are based on our imagination about what might be coming our way and is seldom based on concrete fact.
Here’s the acronym…
F: False
E: Evidence
A: Appearing
R: Real
So how do you get this ‘fear’ thing under control?
Firstly, you need to identify exactly what is standing on your way right now and we can find this by looking at the three stages of identification that we go through.
- Thinking (under your control)
The major roadblock that we all face when trying to control our fears and achieve our goals is the lack of connection between our logical thought processes and the subconscious mind. Now given that the subconscious mind equates to 90% of who we are, what we believe about ourselves and what we communicate to ourselves on a daily basis, it pays to give attention to mastering your thought processes so that they are in alignment with your goals and support, rather than sabotage your efforts.
2. Feeling (under your control)
Feelings come from the subconscious part of you (as discussed previously) and many of these feelings often have their roots deeply entrenched in sometimes very old and outdated programming that doesn’t serve us.
To understand this it is necessary to explain a little of how the subconscious mind actually works…
… The subconscious mind is actually an incredible listening device and will take the evidence you present to it as fact and without question. It will then go out and look for more evidence to support what you have fed it to further strengthen the inner belief that this is an undeniable fact.
Your subconscious mind will not weigh up the pro’s and con’s of any given situation, that’s the job of the logical, conscious mind.
The important thing is that your subconscious can be reprogrammed over a course of 30 to 90 days by consciously changing your habits on the conscious level until your subconscious accepts this as new programming and it becomes your default setting.
This works for everyone who sticks with it for 30 to 90 days without exception. The only people who don’t see this type of change are the ones who don’t stick with it until it works.
So what could you make a conscious effort to change for the next 30 to 90 days until it becomes your default setting?
What difference would changing this make for you?
What would be the result or pain associated with not making this change?
Be honest with your answers when you ask yourself these questions because your future depends on it!
3. External Challenges (outside of your control)
There are a variety of things that life can throw at us that we can’t foresee and certainly can’t control, like a power cut for instance!
The point is that you can’t see that coming and for the most part, fixing the issue is going to be out of your control.
So my question to you is…..
Why sweat it?
Point is… Learn to control the controllable’s and let the rest go.
Anything else could lead to major frustration and who knows? … Perhaps insanity LOL!
Those who succeed in life focus all of their attention on what they can control and they don’t quit until they have overcome the challenge.
The also ran’s in life tend to sweat over things that are beyond their control which brings nothing of value to the situation or their lives.
Suggestion: Practice modeling the habits of those that succeed and you will experience similar results.
So here’s the fun part… I’m gonna show you how to kick F.E.A.R firmly into touch starting right now!
Sound good? Cool. let’s do this! …..