Coaches and Consultants STOP Building Wide and Do This Instead!
Hey, there it’s Robert Brown from RobertCBrown.Online and I hope you’re having a great day wherever you are in the world today.
Today’s training, or today’s discussion… Shall we call it that?…
Is entitled: Coaches and Consultants STOP Building Wide and Do This Instead!
Well as I said, it’s Robert, from RobertCBrown.Online, and what I want to suggest you do right now before we go any further, is get yourself across to RobertCBrown.Online/Business-Advice, that is… RobertCBrown.Online/Business-Advice which you should be able to see on the screen, and get yourself engaged with me over there.
I’m giving away lots and lots of free tidbits on how to build your coaching and consulting business, lots of personal development stuff, lots of training videos, lots of great webinars coming up, and all of that stuff for free to help you to grow your coaching and/or consulting business.
So why in the world wouldn’t you go across there right now and tap into that resource?…
… And you’ll get immediate access to 85% of my marketing tactics, which are by the way specifically for coaches and consultants, and guaranteed to shortcut your results.
So with that mini little pitch out of the way, I want to get on with the topic at hand…
… What prompted me to make this training was basically,off the back of a keynote training that I came across, by Gary Vaynerchuk, which he gave actually to a networking marketing community and an online business community, around 2 or 3 years ago, and it was around the subject of building deep and not building wide.
And the funny things is, I felt prompted to talk about the stuff that he mentioned,because I have been banging on about this stuff for years and years, to the people that I work with, and it something that I am fiercely passionate, because I know how important it is to build deep and not wide.
I’ll talk more about that in a second…
But Gary Vaynerchuk’s speech kinda prompted me to make the move, come out and tell you what I feel about what he said, and share my perspective on the same concept.
You see, I come from the baby boomer generation, and when I was coming through, it was all about interruption marketing…
Sticking your offer in front of somebody as many times as you could.
Cold calling.
Harassing people.
Numbers, number, numbers…
Throw enough crap at the wall, some of it will stick.
If you come from that generation, you’ll resonate with what I’ve just said and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.
However, we got to stage where it was overkill, people got sick of it, and we know where that led us.
But with the advent of the internet, well it’s changed the entire world.
Now, we were going that way anyway, but the internet has really moved things along quite quickly and now, we’re in an age where we have to build relationships.
You can’t press gang people into buying your products and services anymore.
You hit them over head (metaphorically that is), drag them off and make them buy something, under the treat that you won’t let them go if they don’t…
… It’s not that kind of a world anymore.
This time around you have to give and you have to earn some trust.
They need to get to know you and like you…
… Well hopefully they’ll like you, they won’t buy from you if they don’t like you :).
And above all, they need to get a bond of trust with you, and that’s when you’ll get somebody who’ll not only buy once, but they’ll buy many times, potentially be some of your very best paying clients and become a raving evangelist for you and your business.
Everywhere they go they’ll tell everyone how great you are and refer other people in.
So how do we get there?
How do we get there?…
… Well, one of these factors is the one we are discussing today…
… Building deep and not wide!
Now, this isn’t an exclusive problem just for coaches and consultants. I see people in all industries making this mistake, but it’s more prevalent in client-centric businesses than customer-centric businesses.
In client-centric businesses, you need to position yourself as the ‘go to’ expert in your particular marketplace or niche.
But I see so many businesses out there trying to have a foot in too many camps at the same time, and spreading themselves too thin.
And what it does by spreading yourself thin, is:
You’re only scratching the surface of the market that you are in.
You only get a surface understanding of what that market is all about.
What their pains are.
What their challenges are.
Their wants.
Their needs… All of that stuff!…
… You’ve only got a surface understanding of that.
You could never possibly be as enlightened as somebody who has spent every working hour of each day focused on that one particular target market.
That must make sense to you, right?
So if you’re currently doing this and haven’t scaled to at least $10,000 per month, then you shouldn’t be doing it. You should be focused in one targeted and narrow niche of people out there showing an interest in the area you are dealing with. They are passionate, hungry, motivated and most cases, buying stuff already in that area, or looking to buy…
… Oh, and they need to be easy to reach!
The reason for doing this is because, if you target a niche in such a way, it is much faster, cheaper and easier, to position yourself at the head of that niche as the ‘go to’ expert.
Oh and by the way…
… You shouldn’t even look to jump into any other area until you’ve gone way past $10k per month!
I mean, if you’ve done the research in the first place, and if you’ve researched your niche properly before you decided to get into it…
… Then hopefully you’ve picked a niche that was narrow enough to give you the result I’ve been talking about, and for you to be able to dominate, but also…
… Deep enough that you can continue to enjoy the profits from working in that niche for many years, and you’ll be able to leverage and scale in that niche…
… Otherwise, you’re in the wrong niche!
That’s another conversation for another day by the way, but suffice to say, you shouldn’t be looking to move into anything else, until you’ve absolutely got to the ceiling of where you think the potential is, in the niche your in.
And when you’ve got your business automated with a turnkey success system in place.
When everything works like clockwork and works whether you’re working directly in the business or not…
… Then and only then, is when you can look to move into another business area as well if that floats your boat!
But also, another benefit of digging really deep into the market of a narrow niche, is that you’ll start to understand them in such a deep level, that not only will you be able to respond to their wants and needs really quickly, but you’ll actually be able to anticipate them and you’ll be ahead of the curve.
This is tremendously powerful stuff and you need to be doing this now.
If you’re spreading yourself too thin and working in 2 or 3 niches right now and you’re not yet at $10k per month… Come on now!
Get real with yourself… You’re making life hard…
Cut the slack.
Find what’s not working.
Get rid of it.
Focus on the niche where you’ve got the most passion, the most experience and the most value to share with the marketplace and then…
… Go at it like a bull in a china store until you are dominating that niche!
I hope that makes sense and I hope you take action…
… Because none of this stuff is any good to you until you do, but you know that right?
So before I go, again I hope you have enjoyed this recording and I hope you keep coming back and checking out my videos, wherever you are watching this, be it on my YouTube channel or my blog, come and keep checking it out.
And don’t forget…
Go to
Get access now to 85% of my marketing tactics specifically designed to help coaches and consultants and guaranteed to shortcut your results!
Why on earth wouldn’t you?
It’s completely free and I’m here to serve you…
It’s been an absolute joy to do this training for you, I hope to see you over at my website and I’ll speak to you again soon.
Take very good care… Robert 🙂