Hey, it’s Robert here from robertcbrown.online. I hope you are having a terrific day wherever you are in the world. Listen, today’s video is all about the most powerful technique to reprogram the subconscious mind.
Let’s get into it…
Now I’ve got a few bullet points that I want to talk about during the course of this video.
It’s going to be fairly short and concise but I want to make sure I don’t miss anything that’s important for you to know.
Firstly, If you are going to reprogram your subconscious mind then you need to get clear on what it is that you actually want, and I know that sounds pretty simple but it’s obvious, isn’t it?
… And yet so many people go through life NOT knowing exactly what it is they want. They can tell you pretty much what they DON’T want but they can’t tell you what they DO want. So…
#1 – Reconnect With Yourself
Who are you?
Get acquainted with yourself again.
What is it that really juices you?…
Get connected with who you are and what you really want for your future, for your life, get excited about it, and get clear about it. That’s the first step!
If you don’t know where you are headed, how the hell will you know when you get there?
You have got to get clear on where it is you want to be.
Makes sense I hope.
Secondly, obviously, get clear on what you don’t want. Now for most of us, that’s going to be a little bit easier than the first one. Get clear on what you don’t want.
But, important caveat, DO NOT focus on it. Be aware of it, acknowledge it… Then put it to one side.
See, the thing is, energy flows where your focus goes. So whatever you are spending all of your time thinking about and focusing on, that’s where all your energy and power to attract manifests.
That’s where it’s all going, okay.
So if you are focusing on all of the stuff you don’t want to show up in your life, I’m here to tell you, it’s bad news okay… It’s going to show up.
All of the stuff you don’t want is going to show up because on some level you are going to take some actions, make some decisions that will fall in line with all of the negative stuff you are feeding yourself and the belief system that you have got off the back of all this subliminal stuff that you are pounding over years and years and years.
So you need to focus on what you DO want, not what you don’t want. Item number was ‘get clear on what you don’t want’… Yeah get clear but it is so important to acknowledge it, put it to one side so you know it’s something you don’t want and then keep your focus on what it is that you do want.
That’s how you are going to make the change so negative stuff stops showing up and your desires start showing up in abundance.
Now one of the techniques to do this that I particularly love is affirmations.
Every time you get a negative thought, or you start having that inner voice talking in a negative counter-productive way, you can immediately start saying in your mind or saying under your breath to yourself something really really positive over the top.
Your subconscious mind is like a constant loop tape recorder, but it’s listening to everything you say to yourself and everything you think, but the thing is, it can only deal with one item at a time.
So if you start to think of something that starts to make you feel bad then immediately start to affirm something that makes you feel good, and keep doing it until that starts to override the negative feeling, the negative thought, the negative speech that you are having with yourself.
It works, but you just have to do it. And combine that with my next item which is…
#2 – Visualization
Now the trick to visualization is to do it often. The more you do it, the better you get at it, the better pictures you can conjure up in your mind’s eye, the more that you can conjure up the emotion to create the manifestation.
So in order to create the stuff that you want to show up in your life, you need to get excited about it and the only way to do that is if you can see that stuff like it’s already here, right? So that takes practice.
Start by just focusing on stuff that’s in the room that you are in right now.
Focus on it for a moment, pick anything simple, then shut your eyes for two minutes and just go over every detail of that object that you just looked at before you closed your eyes.
The more you do that the clearer the picture will get, the stronger the emotion will get that’s attached to the visualization and the more you are going to get excited and be able to take action to create that result in your life.
But here’s the rub…
It normally takes 30 to 90 days to create a new habit and overwrite the old habit…
And the reason for that is because for a lot of us we’ve had these old counter-productive habits for most of our lives. In most cases that’s not going to take 5 minutes to get rid of, not permanently.
So what we need to do is overwrite them and we need to reprogram our subconscious so it becomes a part of who we are not who we are trying to be.
In other words, it’s our new default setting.
Now, the reason most folks don’t manage that is that it takes conscious effort. You have to think about doing it.
Like I just said, when you get a negative thought, you have to affirm, you have to visualize, you have to consciously make an effort to override that negative feeling, thought or inner voice.
The thing is, most people won’t stick to that for 30 to 90 days. If they did, eventually that conscious effort they are putting in to make the changes will become part of their subconscious programming.
It will literally become their default setting. It will become YOUR new default setting if you stick with it.
It’s so important for you to commit to doing the work, whatever it takes, and however long it takes for you.
I don’t what habits you are trying to clear or how long they have been with you but it’s your life and your worth it. I believe in you, so you need to believe in you.
Do the work and you really can see the changes that you want to show up actually show up in your physical reality.
I promise you.
It’s just works that way.
The problem is for most of us, we spend nearly all of our time focusing on the stuff that worries us and that we don’t want to show up and we are leaving the door open and inviting it all into our world.
Do the opposite.
Keep your mind focused on what you do want.
Forget about the other stuff, you know it’s there but do NOT focus on it. Focus on what you do want and watch those changes show up in your life.
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