Why aren’t you a successful coach right now?
Hey it’s Robert here from Robert C. Brown (Dot) Online…
I hope you’re having a terrific day wherever you are in the world today and today.
I just wanted to pop up and do a quick video really, about coaching specifically, and why perhaps right now, you’re not having the success with your coaching business that you would like to.
And… I’m just going to click a couple of buttons because I’ve got some notes on my screen because I don’t to miss anything, cos it’s important stuff.
There are too many people, too many coaches that I come into contact with every single day, that are struggling in this business, and they’ve got real value to offer, great coaches, lovely people, can make real difference to their clients and to the world and yet… They either haven’t got any clients, or they haven’t got enough clients to survive, and with nor real (kinda) idea of how to make that change.
And, I guess that’s one of the reasons why I exist in this space, to help people just like that and hopefully, during the course of this video, if you resonate with any of the things I’m going to mention, then hopefully some of the stuff that I am going to say, will resonate and inspire you to do things a little bit differently, or think about things a little more differently than you have been, and asa result, get a different result show up in your life.
So let’s go for it…
… Why aren’t you a successful coach right now?
Well you know what?…
… This is not an exclusive problem that’s reserved just for coaches or consultants. I see it al over the place from many, many business owners, in all different industries across the spectrum.
I mean, you just see the same thing…
… When it boils down to it, the reason why most of these business owners, whether they be coaches, consultants or professional service providers (you name it), the reason why they are not having the success that they’re after is pretty much, it boils down to the same reason, which is what I’m going to come to in a second.
Don’t worry, I’m going to tell you what it is and how to fix it.
Buy you know what?…
… When I get around to telling you what it is, when you see how simple a mistake it is, you’re going to kick yourself, you’re going to be really angry with yourself and, there might be a part of you that feels a little bit embarrassed, guilt, ashamed, all of that stuff.
Which is understandable, but they’re useless emotions by the way, so out those to one side, they’re not going to do you any good, there’s no benefit in those feelings.
Once you’ve had the initial reminder that you’re getting something wrong, put it to one side and set about doing something right straight away.
OK, so before I go on to reveal what this is, I want to suggest that you’re not too hard on yourself because you now what?…
… You’re a member of a very, very large club. There are so many people across the globe in all sorts of businesses, that are making exactly the same mistake. And by the way, I myself was a member of this club for many years until I saw the error of my ways, and decided to take a different course of action.
And I’m really I did because, the minute I made that decision and took different actions, I got different results showing up, and you will too.
So, enough with the big build up…
… Are you ready for this?
Here’s the major reason why you are not successful as a coach right now…
… Ooh here it comes…
… Drumroll please…
… Ready?…
… It’s because… Are you listening?… Come closer…
… Are you listening?… Have you got a pen and paper?…
… You don’t want to miss this… Pen poised?… Here it comes…
… It’s because you don’t promote enough!
Shock, horror, simple, I told you!
It’s because you don’t promote enough.
I see so many people doing this all the time.
They use avoidance tactics (unknowingly most of the time), but they’re taking actions that will take them away from the actions they don’t want to take, which is all around promoting. It’s all around speaking to people, placing ads, going to network meetings and getting your message out there.
Here’s a question for you…
… How many times in the past week (let’s say), have you spoken to people and shared your message, prospects or potential joint venture partners?
How many times have you done that?
How many people have you shared your offer with, or an offer with, over the past seven days?
You see, if you’re going to be honest, I can probably guess that in most cases, it’s not going to be very many people at all, if any at all.
And the thing is, it’s no good hiding behind email.
Email is there to embellish, to be as an addon, but really what you need to do in business these days, and something that is really even more effective these days as more people move online, is to really get direct and connect with people.
Let them see your face whenever you can even if it’s on Skype. Have conversations and let them get the enthusiasm and passion in your voice, let them get the vibe off your body language.
But you should be setting a goal every week to share your message with at least twenty or thirty people.
You should be trying to set at least twenty telephone calls a week to talk to people.
You see it’s all about building momentum, and not getting stuck behind a keyboard (tappity, tappity, tappity, tap), feeling like you’re busy but not really doing anything constructive in your business.
Now I know you might not want to admit that this is your right now, but I think we both know it probably is, right?
And if that’s the case, if you can just find the courage to own up to that, be honest with yourself and accept responsibility for where you are and what you’re currently not doing that you should be doing. And remember, when you’re not doing this, when you’re not promoting, if you’ve got any real value to offer people, you’re not just cheating yourself, you’re cheating them.
So you owe it to them to share your story, to share your offers, to share your value, that’s what it’s all about.
That’s what coaches do right?
That’s why we’re here.
You see these days everyone is banging on about technology, everybody’s talking about funnels, capture pages, this, that and the other, they’ve all got their place, and I use all of it…
… But not at the expense of my direct outreach to other people, and that it the important lesson that I learned, and that I hope you’ll learn from this video.
Now, I’m not going to waffle on about this but if you resonate with this. If you feel that on some level this is you, but you need some help to identify where you’re tripping up and taking the skin off your knees. And, you want help in moving forward, I have a free webinar training that is going to show you the 6 Pillars that need to be present in your coaching business right now, in order for you to be successful now, and moving into the future…
… In order for you to build a future that you really want for yourself.
Let me tell you, if those 6 pillars are not in place you’re going to struggle, and the chances are that you’re not going to make it.
At the very best, coaching for you will probably only ever be and expensive hobby.
Now I don’t want that for you and that chances are, if you’re still watching this video, still here now, then you don’t want that either.
So in that case, get yourself along to http://www.robertcbrown.online/webinar and I’ll see you on that training.
And I’ll guarantee that we’ll shake up some beliefs you’ve got about yourself and your business.
We’re going to send you out with some really strategies and ideas for turning this around quick and stepping into your greatness.
Because you can do that, and when you do that, you’ll become an unstoppable force.
So let me give you that website link again…
You owe it to yourself to be there.
You owe it to your future clients to be there.
And do everything that you can do, to step into your greatness and then share it with the world.
I do hope you’ve enjoyed this video.
I hope it’s resonated with you.
I hope it’s given you food for thought.
I hope it’s prompted you to get along to the webinar to get more in depth stuff on this.
And, I hope you stay in contact with me.
I’m going to keep stepping up with stiff like this all the time, because I believe that coaching is a force for good in the world, and that more people need to work with coaches and get the benefit of it.
If you stay in business and thrive, those people will get a chance to step into their greatness as a result of being able to work with you and others like you.
If you go out of business that ain’t gonna happen.
So do yourself a favour and do the world a favour, get registered on the webinar and I’ll see you there.